Engines, Parts & Upgrades
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This oil ruler / dipstick rod is typically found in the LEFT CRANKCASE ASSY / LEFT CRANKCASE / RIGHT SIDE COVER ASSY / RIGHT COVER CRANKCASE section of several part manuals. Commonly used for but not limited to and 250cc, 520cc, 550cc, 600cc, 625cc, and 800cc engines. It is most popularly known for its use in CF Moto 172MM / 172MM-A / 172MM-B / 172MM-F / CF188 / CF188-A / CF188-C / 1P72MM-A / 1P72MM-A(A1) / 1P72MM-A(A2) / CF600-3 ZForce Z6 / CF625-3 ZForce Z6 / CF625-6 ZForce Z6-EX / CF800ATR-2 2V91W / CF800UTR 2V91W / 2V91W(X8), / 2V91W(Z8) / 2V91W-S / 196S-C / 191R-X550 / 2V91W(Z8-US) / CF500-2 / CF500-2A / CF500-3 / CF500-A / CF500ATR-2L / CF500ATR-2S / CF500ATR-3 / CF500ATR-A / CF500AU-6L / CF800-2 / CF800ATR / CF800AU-2BvCF800UTR / V3 / V5, Baja Reaction 250 / BR250 / Dune 250 / DN250, Hammerhead SS250 / Twister UM250IIR, Joyner 250 / Sand Viper 250cc / Viper JNSZ250DN / Viper 250 (SZ250DI) / Dirt Devil 250 (SZ250DS) / Dirt Devil (SZ250DL), Kinroad 250cc XT250GK-2 / XT250 GK-7, Roketa 250, Chironex Spartan 500, SunL XF250-2A / XF250-2AR, Trailmaster 250, Powermax Chase 500 / Chase 500XL, Diamo Wolverine / Adventure ATV, GOES 625UTS / 520 UTX as well as many other brands of ATVs, UTVs (side-by-side), dirt bikes, scooters, go karts (buggies), and engines with alternative profile names.
Manufacturer Part Numbers:
- CF Moto Part Numbers: 0110-013001, 172MM-013001 ““DIPSTICK, ENGINE OIL” or “OIL DIP ROD”
- Baja Reaction 250 (2-seater model) Part Number: BR250-291 “GAUGE OIL LEVEL”
- Baja Dune 250 Part Number: DN250-537 “GUAGE OIL LEVEL”
- Hammerhead Part Number: 172MM-013001 “DIPSTICK”
- Joyner 250cc Part Numbers: 172MM-013001 “ENGINE OIL METER” or “METER.ENGINE OIL” or “GUIDE, OIL LEVEL”, SZ05002007 “GAUGE, OIL LEVER”
- Kinroad Part Number: 15651-SCC0-0000 “GUAGE OIL LEVEL”
- Roketa 250 Part Numbers: GK-06-250-3-27-9, GK-13-250-03-24-09, GK-19-250-03-33-10 “GAUGE,OIL SEAL”
- Chironex Part Number: 172MM-013001 “OIL DIP ROD”
- SunL 250cc Part Number: XF172MM-1003103 “OIL DIP ROD”
- Trailmaster Part Number: 172MM-013001
- Powermax Part Number: 172MM-013001 “OIL DIP ROD”
- Diamo Part Number: 172MM-013001 “OIL DIP ROD”
- GOES Part Number: 0110-013001 “OIL DIP ROD”
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